Will I turn ‘orange’?

When used as recommended, Norvell’s professional and retail sunless tanning products are formulated to give a natural sun kissed glow, the team at Norvell perfectly blend instant cosmetic bronzers that allow you to gently transition into your DHA tan over 24 hours after application.

High pH levels in the skin can sometimes give individuals an undesirable, ‘fake’ non-natural looking sunless colour. Sunless application on skin that is out of balance due to high pH levels sometimes results in what many people refer to as an ‘orange’ colouring.

To prevent this from happening, there are a few things you can do:

Do not use bar soaps before your sunless session. A properly pH balanced skin cleanser will not elevate pH levels on the skin, and result in more ‘golden brown’ sunless tanning results.

Do not over-apply sunless products. In general, the darker your natural skin tone, the higher concentration of DHA (sunless product) you can apply to the skin and still maintain ‘natural’ colour. Generally, those will fair/light skin tones should apply less DHA (sunless product) to the skin to ensure natural looking results. Be sure to not only evaluate how much product you apply to the skin, but what the concentration level of DHA in each product is. Sunless products that are designed to give a darker colour may not be desirable for fair skin.